Data Capture


cheaper than average data capture solution


faster response time in action detection tasks


higher average precision in detection tasks
Let our AI works for you

Volei Taubate used GrandSlam to track and identify the speed of players serve
Used by
Logo Volei Taubate
Match our large database of brands and other pre-set elements with evidences in video
Athletico uses Hat-Trick to autonomously track and identify goals of the match. Allowing you to share contents almost near live.
Used by
Logo CAP
Grand-Slam Autonomous Data Capture
No-Hitter Autonomous Video Tagging
Hat-Trick Clipping of Plays Via Machine Learning

iSPORTiSTiCS platform is applying AI in a handful of cases
Hockey de Grama

GrandSlam was used to identify and calculate the accelaration and the speed of the desired player

TNT Warner
TNT Sports used No-Hitter technolgy to identifies and catalogue all digital insertion of the match

Hat-Trick tecnology captures and tags autonomously the highlights of your match