From rights owners to content distributors, find out how our customers and partners are scaling their processes and creating amazon experiences with our solutions.
NSports experienced a 15x spike in efficiency for the process - clipping of highlights. Editors have more time for creative tasks.
Triple-double powered DAZN's game analysis for its ease of use and facility to integrate into analysts workflow.
The commercial team is now able to promptly validate and measure campaigns effectiveness and share, show and tell insights with its advertisers.
Take a glimpse into our set of solutions
Solutions combined provide a one-stop management and production workflow for video content.
More Cases
- Tudo
- Triple-Double
- PolePosition
- Hat-Trick
- No-Hitter
- GrandSlam
- Knockout
- Enriched your content with KnockOutKnockOut allow to quicly add graphical insertion in the video with only a few clicks
- Triple-Double capacitates NWB to showcase analysisNWB activates campaigns from Triple-Double overlays' insertions
- WSL uses KnockOut to create branded contentYou can create highly personalized branded content to engage with your audience
- GrandSlam can be used to compare players perfomanceCartesian Stats can collect data related at accelaration and speed of any desire object
- Use KnockOut to enrich the HighlightsKnockOut enable you to create contents that can better fit your audience
- GrandSlam can track players from every sportGrandSlam enables you to see the differences in speed along the course
- Triple-Double enables a better understanding of the match through tacticsWith tactical sketch you can explain the game dynamics easily
- Triple-Double gives you a tactical pont of view of the sportTactical analysis helps new fans to understand the game dynamics
- GrandSlam data capture enable you to compare performacesWith the Ghosting tecnology you can compare the lap path from differente drivers
- Use KnockOut to better expose your brandInsert you brand logo in the video to better explore your contents
- No-Hitter gives you report of addboard exposureNo-Hitter track everytime that your addboard was shown during the match
- Hat-Trick gives you eficiency and scalabilityQuickly share your highlights and Key momments of the match on social media
- PolePosition enables you to easily crop and share contentsIn a few clicks transform your video in a perfect social media content
- GrandSlam enables you to capture data from Old matchesWith Cartesian Stats you can capture data from past players and team
- With Hat-Trick, you are never gonna lose a goal againOur artificial inteligence learned how to identify and tag every goal momment
- PolePosition enables you to broadcast a match by only using one cameraWithout the need of cameraman, you can have a high level broadcasting
- Hat-Trick works with every sport, even e-sportsOptimize and increase you possibilitys of content creation
- Gain of eficiency and scalability with PolePositionWith out cameraman-less solution you can gain scabality in your events
- No-Hitter tracks catalogue and capture brand exposureNo-Hitter Feature Detection use words identification to tag and track companys and brands
- Hat-Trick autonomously identify goals and highlightsCreate condensed clips with your favorite highlights
- Track every digital inserion with No-HitterNo-Hitter Digital Insertion tracks and catalogue all midia insertion shown during the match broadcasting
- PolePosition enables you to easily crop and share contentsQuickly share your contents in social media format